Message from Top Management : Novel Coronavirus ( COVID-19)

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Message from Top Management : Novel Coronavirus ( COVID-19)

The past several weeks have seen the world turned upside down. All of us have been significantly affected by the virus outbreak one way or the other. We would like to provide you with this update on how your teams here at SMARTEC have been working hard on to minimize the economic and social impacts.

The senior management team has given up the Chinese New Year holidays when the news of the severity of the outbreak were first reported by end of January. We have rallied all leadership team to be back in our work area ahead of the anticipated disruption to the post CNY traffic arrangements. (Little did we know that later has become official Lock-downs).

We have drafted emergency management rules to fully isolate our factory compound from any visitors. Strict sanitization measures were debated and implemented throughout our compound. All staff were provided with masks and were properly trained with techniques to ensure its effectiveness. We went as far as to explain the basic biology of what Virus is and does, so that the common sense in how to destroy the virus (alcohol, bleach, hot water, etc.) from our environment would help our colleagues to alleviate unnecessary stress that is equally destructive. To avoid running out of masks at the beginning, we encouraged the reusing and cleaning techniques so that collectively we could minimize the chance of an outbreak, which would shut our business down.

We have alerted our supplier partners of the same and shared with them timely of our best practices so to minimize supply chain disruptions.

We succeeded in resuming our operation on Feb 10 (the earliest possible resumption date) and have been running smoothly since then. We have supported more than a dozen of our key suppliers to resume their operations under the circumstances.

For a whole month till early March, all our factory colleagues had lived and worked in our compound in full isolation from the society while carrying out production works. It was a great team effort that we will surely to remember. We are happy to report that the SMARTEC team will emerge from this most difficult challenge stronger and more united, and we remain vigilant in preparing ourselves for any further headwinds. As of today, we have been operating in full capacity and enjoying great supply chain supports.

I hope this update is helpful in letting you know how we are coping and actively managing the situation here.

We know this temporary challenge will pass and we are in this together!
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